Let us practice 1!

Days, Months

Klasse 5.

Lisas tägliche Routinen

Lisa’s Daily Routines

Quiz time

Lösung: Lisa´s daily Routine

Hi everyone! My name is Lisa. I want to tell you about my week. On Monday, I go to school. It’s the first day of the week, and I see all my friends. Then, on Wednesday, I have my swimming lessons. I love swimming! It’s my favorite hobby. After that, on Friday, I ride a horse. It’s so much fun galloping around the field!

During the weekdays, I study hard and learn new things. In January, it’s very cold, but in July, it’s hot and sunny. I like December because of Christmas! I often visit my grandma on weekends. We bake cookies together and play games.

My family is the best! We have dinner together every night and share stories.



Hija de Dios. Ama servir a los demás. Fundadora del Minsterio IntegradoS

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